
Find out more

The signet the Red Cross of Constantine

Holy Royal Arch (Dutch)

Find more information about the York Rite and the Holy Royal Arch on the website of Het Heilig Koninklijk Gewelf in Nederland.


Mark Masons Hall (English)

More international information about the Red Cross of Constantine can be found at Mark Masons Hall.


Wikipedia (English)

The biggest online encyclopedia holds information on our Order. 

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Orders in amity

Holy Royal Arch

Heilig Koninklijk Gewelf in de Nederlanden

Grand Orient of The Netherlands

Grootoosten der Nederlanden

Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium

Grande Loge Regul Belgique

Grand Lodge of Luxembourg

Grande Loge de Luxembourg

Holy Royal Arch Belgium

Holy Royal Arch Belgium

Great Priory of Knights Templar

Groot Priorij van Nederland

Knights Templar Priests

Ridders Priester van de Tempel

Upcoming meeting

Meeting of Conclave Constanter Fidelis

February 16, 2023 12:00 am
Pieter Jan Bos